Price: $20.00
Place of Purchase: gift
Poco Dolce has made their reputation upon their Tiles (single-flavored bittersweet chocolate squares) and they are as good as anything need be. Coming in the same simple and elegant box of the tiles are the chocolatier's seasonal offerings, and, for Valentine's Day, it is Chocolate Hearts.
Poco Dolce's chocolate is my favorite chocolate. It is smooth and seems to usually hit the spot between sweet and bitter just perfectly.
Their Chocolate Hearts are a chocolate ganache in a hard chocolate shell. With treats like this, I struggle a bit with the difference of texture between the shell and the inside. I rarely bite and chew and prefer to just toss in the candy and let it melt, but the shell and the inside melt and different rates. I probably should just change my approach to eating these things but I like what I like. The Chocolate Hearts were a good pick for me since the hearts were small and easily fit in my mouth whole and the texture difference what not as pronounced as for other truffles.
The Chocolate Hearts are a pure chocolate experience and I preferred them to Poco Dolce's Christmas offering of chocolate ganache Snowballs (minty powdered sugar outside). With the Hearts you get two different chocolates (shell and ganache interior) to enjoy in one candy.
Poco Dolce Bittersweet Hearts
*** (out of 4)
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